Cooling Appliances
Whether you need to be productive or you just want to relax, comfort is essential. You can now enjoy your time even in the heated summertime. If you're looking for pedestal fans or tiny handheld fans, our carefully curated assortment of fans and coolers is the best place to start looking for your cooling devices. Discover a wonderful selection of high quality cooling products from companies like Daewoo and Fine Elements. Buy one today and use it all year long, whenever you want or need to. Enjoy our free shipping throughout the UK, as well. Get your cooler and feel good no matter what you do!
Daewoo 9" Table, Portable Desk Fan White - COL1062
Daewoo 9" Table, Portable Desk Fan White - COL1062
Daewoo 9" Table, Portable Desk Fan White PORTABLE DESK FAN: This desktop portable desk fan is ideal for cooling down your workstation. Simply place on your desk and angle to face you - you'll feel a cooling breeze in no time....